Eye emergencies
McKinnon Eye Clinic provides emergency eye diagnosis and treatment.
If you have an urgent eye problem, we will endeavour to see you on the same day if at all possible. If you are unable to contact us, please contact the Emergency Department at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, 32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne. Alternatively, you may wish to try another private ophthalmology clinic in your area.
What types of emergencies does McKinnon Eye Clinic treat?
Examples include:
Sudden reduction in vision
Other sudden visual symptoms (for instance new onset flashes and floaters, double vision)
Significant eye pain
Infections of the eyes and eyelids
Eye injuries and accidents
Contact lens related complication
I have an emergency. What should I do about a referral?
If you have an eye related medical emergency, you may not need a referral for the emergency visit, only for subsequent ones.
Is McKinnnon Eye Clinic available to see emergency patients?
Yes, we are often available during working hours, but you or your referrer will need to ring and check availability on the day.